To put it quite simply, I read people, situations, and events and use coaching, consulting, counseling, and teaching skills to jumpstart the star that you are. And that creates life changing moments.
Now while I’m a certified professional I am not, however, a licenesed counselor in a therapeutic sense. In fact I’m not licensed in anything.
Having said that I do have counseling, coaching, teaching, and consulting work and educational experience and that enriches readings. I also like to pass on my hard earned knowledge and wisdom to others.
Readings tell. Coaching asks. Consulting advises. Counseling heals. Teaching guides.
I tell, ask, advise, guide, and heal.
If I manage to get those FIVE things into a reading, I’m in heaven, humbled, and glad for what I have choosen to do as a living. As one can see then, I don’t like giving just “prediction” readings unless it’s for fun. And I use different methods for special event entertainment which appeals to my creative, fun, and dramatic side.